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The problem with the discrepancy it the time interval of
integration of the heartcheck vs. the interval used by a
person counting using a stethoscope. The heartcheck
integrates over a few seconds..so, if it gets 2 beats in 3
seconds, the pulse will read 2 x (60/3)=40...a person taking
a pulse will often get 11 for 15 seconds for a pulse of 44.
NOW, if the heartcheck gets a 2.3, the pulse would be 46 and
the pulse taker who gets 11 for 15 seconds still have the
It all depends on the integration time, and you know as well
as I do that heartrates fluctuate.
So, for another example, if the heartcheck gets a 5.6 for 4
seconds for a pulse of 5.6 x (60/4)=84, and the pulse person
could easily get a count of 18 which is a 72 or 19 which is
78....get my drift? The higher the pulse rate of the horse,
the more room for discrepancy.
The other problem exists with the different heartwatches
used. One heartwatch will integrate over 3-8 seconds
whereas my old Polar integrates over 18-23 seconds...hence,
two different watches used with the same heartcheck can give
you differing results.
So, the heartcheck is NOT inaccurate. My suggestion is that
if they are used, they should be used for ALL..then it is
fair...(but then again, maybe only ONE pulse person should
be used).
Bottom line...passing the vet check..meeting criteria...on
an endurance ride, the hearcheck should pose no problem, but
on a CTR, the use of different watches WILL make a BIG
difference...particularly when the heartrate is scored.
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