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Re: how to train ride vets

Anita Carlson VMT wrote:
<Our practice has just hired a vet who has never been to a ride but is very
<interested in learning and hopefully soon working at some rides.
<What type of training do ride vets need?  I'd read somewhere that vets have
<to ride some rides.  is that true?
<Any suggestions who she could contact for more info?
From Linda Parrish, Director-at-large of Texas Endurance Riders Association:
When we have vets new to the sport, we have them contact one or both of our designated "experienced TERA endurance vets" (who have previously agreed to this arrangement). Both of these are regional vets who work several (or almost all) of the rides in the region.
We also try to have an experienced rider ride with the vet over some varied terrain (preferably that of the ride about to take place) at ride pace.
Each ride manager who has recruited a new vet has paid the vet's AERC membership for the first year. TERA makes sure the new vet receives an AERC Vet Handbook, AERC Rule Book and the TERA New Rider Packet, which is crammed full of endurance training info. Then lots of phone or in-person talks to help defray nervous thoughts/questions!
Then we tell the riders to "be nice to Dr. Missy - this is his/her first ride".
The best reaction from a new vet was a couple years ago when one commented at the price negotiation session, "You mean I get PAID for this learning experience?" 
We quickly told him it was only a token appreciation payment!  :)
Linda Parrish
Kennard, Texas

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