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Re: RC: Re: kickers

"One lady got it real hard in the stomach and my friend was grazed on
the leg as she walked behind the mule (at a reasonable distance)"

If I got kicked by a mule or horse, I'd figure I hadn't been a
reasonable distance away.  I have seen exactly one horse (an Appy of
course - they can out-mule a mule!) in my lifetime run backwards about
50 feet and kick Paul with both barrels, dead center in the chest - it's
amazing Paul's alive today (amazing the Appy is, too!).  But that is
obviously the exception and you don't make general rules for the
exceptional case.

If the above lady and friend each got kicked they were too close.  I
don't think any equine that's a known kicker should be in public without
the owner there to take responsibility and control the animal, but I
also don't think anyone should ever assume any equine won't kick
sometime.  Lif

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