Re: RC: Re: kickers
What I was trying to say if ALL riders would use common trail curtsy red ribbons
would not be necessary. The situations you described are deplorable manners on
the part of the other riders and should not be tolerated, by anyone with or with
out a red ribbon.
Corky Young
> How can a red ribbon be a disservice to other riders with horses that
> kick??? When I see a red ribbon I give it a wide birth. It helps me to
> remember to watch myself and keep from getting too close to another horses
> back end. When I have a new endurance horse or one that is new to riding in
> groups, I always tie a red ribbon in their tail. Even if the horse/mule has
> never kicked. If I need to get past a red ribboned steed, I always ask the
> rider if it would be o.k. and if not , please pull over so I can get past
> safely. Riders should look at the ribbons as brake lights/hazard(too ones
> self) lights. I rode an appy mare that did kick. I had another rider use
> my mare as brakes for her horse. I spoke to her twice and then yelled at
> her to stay the h--- back off of my horse. "Can't you see that red in her
> tail?" "Oh, is that what that is for??" DUH!!! My mare finally did
> kick her horse in the chest. She also kicked a man in the bottom of his
> foot/stirrup for crashing into her trying to pass in a narrow gorge that
> only one horse at a time could fit thru. They both deserved to be kicked.
> I didnt like the mare doing it, but they did deserve it. Maybe we should be
> reminding riders what the red is for. I means, STAY BACK A SAFE DISTANCE OR
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bonita B. Young <corky@foothill.net>
> To: Endure4fun@aol.com <Endure4fun@aol.com>
> Cc: ridecamp@endurance.net <ridecamp@endurance.net>
> Date: Thursday, August 12, 1999 10:17 PM
> Subject: RC: kickers
> >I agree with allthe posts about kicking horses, BUT, I beleave that allyou
> riders
> >that put a red ribbon in your horses tail just to keep riders back from
> your
> >horse are doing a disservisc to all the horses that realy do kick. Pritty
> soon
> >all the riders will put a red ribbon in there horses tail and then where
> will we
> >be. If on the other hand we all road with good since we would not need any
> red
> >ribbons.
> >Corky Young
> >
> >Endure4fun@aol.com wrote:
> >
> >> I always put a red ribbon in my horses tails just to keep riders off
> their
> >> butts. It amazes me how some riders must be colored blind and can't see
> the
> >> red. I put a long streamer of red ribbon so it is very obvious.
> >> I was on a ride coming into the finish on a very wide dirt road, towards
> end
> >> of pack so no excuse for racing, well this lady comes barreling up on my
> >> horses tail with a red ribbon and runs into him, go figure, well anyway
> he
> >> doesn't really kick out, but does the warning slamming down of back foot.
> I
> >> got after him and then turned to lady and she had the nerve to say and I
> >> quote "After 50 miles I thought he would be to tired to kick"!!! Can you
> >> believe that!! She wasn't having a problem or anything and to this day I
> do
> >> not know why she did that.
> >> I think sometimes a red ribbon in the tail means "the get as close as you
> can
> >> to see if horse really does kick." "Seeing is believing kind of
> attitude"
> >> Riders, PLEASE, be forewarned about red ribbons, they really are in the
> tails
> >> for a reason, and riders if your horse does kick, please be honest with
> >> yourself and put a red ribbon in the tail. It doesn't mean your horse is
> any
> >> less then the non kickers just he needs a little extra more space.
> >> Keri
> >>
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