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Fwd: RC: Re: kicking

In a message dated 8/10/99 8:59:49 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<< Shouldn't your little rule of "please do not crowd" apply to every horse,
 not just horses with red ribbons?  >>

Amen to the conecpt - so when shall we implement it? This is plain, simple 
common sense and courtesy. It applies not only in competition, but also in 
training, casual trail rides and infact, anytime one is riding in the company 
of another. It is kind of sad that a red ribbon, which should be unnecessary, 
doesn't even do the trick many times.

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> BUT,  if someone has their horse too close that contact is made .... they
> are too close !!    I have seen horses that you would never expect to do
> this, kick out under stressful situations.   So,  if you see a red ribbon,
> please do not crowd  -  I will move over for you if needed and I always

Okay Christy,

But why should you or any one have to stick a red ribbion in your horses
tail to warn people that your horse does what horses do, it kicks when it
feels threatened.  EVERY horse out there will do it, so should we stick a
red ribbon in EVERY horses tail?  What does that accomplish?

Shouldn't your little rule of "please do not crowd" apply to every horse,
not just horses with red ribbons?  The situation that most of us get in
trouble is when some one has been happily following you for 10 minutes then
decides to pass with out a word.  I think that Bob is simply suggesting that
the passing rider give verbal notice that they are about to pass so that the
passed rider can be in total control.  If you tell me you are passing, I
guarantee, my horse will not kick you or your horse, but if you take us by
surprise, you risk a kick.


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