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My horse with swollen lower leg...
Hi! I have a question and was wondering if anyone else has ever had a
similar problem. I just noticed that my geldings right rear lower leg is
swollen. He's been confined to a stall for the last week with only short
periods of turnout due to the treacherous footing in his normal turnout
area. (It's a skating rink and very dangerous to let him have free access
turnout at this time.)
My question is: Is this most likely what is termed "stocking up" or do you
think there is something else going on. (ie. A few weeks ago we were out
trail riding and he cut his pastern on the same leg and required 7
stitches. He had some swelling in the lower leg at that time. Then the
farrier was out Monday (1/18) and trimmed and reset him all around. He used
a sort of stand to rest his rear legs on as my horse seemed to decide to
lean on him for support (which the farrier didn't appreciate) so he used
this contraption that supported his lower leg while he finished trimming
and re-fitting the shoe.)
He's only been turned out for about 1/2 hour or so each day (and Thursday
he wasn't out at all.) I didn't notice this swelling until Friday night (I
got home late Wednesday from work and then was out of town on Thursday; my
sister in law was taking care of feeding them and never noticed if it had
been swollen at that time.) I did turn him out Wednesday for a 1/2 hour
and there was some ice in the turnout ring, but he didn't seem lame at that
time. Actually he still doesn't seem really lame, but there is a lot of
swelling in his lower leg and it seems to be from the fetlock and the
cannon. I was able to turn him out today for about 1.5 hours and then
applied ice for about 20 minutes this afternoon. This evening I also gave
him a Bute. But it's still very swollen tonight. I plan to ice it in the
morning when I feed him and then hopefully turn him out again if the
footing is OK.
He doesn't appear to be bothered by it and he really didn't appear to be
lame from it.
Do you think I could safely hook him up and drive him up the road tomorrow
just to give him some exercise and stimulate his circulation? He's really
getting bored just hanging out in the stall and the roads around here are
pretty clear of ice and it would be the best place to take him at this
time. (The trails are still very icy.)
If anyone has any ideas to what could be going on I'd appreciate it. I
have never had this problem before and he was stalled for periods of time
last winter and spring and never did this before. I'm stumped regarding
what to do next. Should I give it some more time or should I call in the
vet to check it out. I would have called the vet if he seemed lame but he
doesn't appear to be lame at this time.
Well thanks in advance for all of your help!
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