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Re: Khemosabi at 21
>** WARNING ** This is a blatant product endorsement by someone who
>financially involved!
** WARNING** This is a blatant product endorsement by someone who is NOT
financially involved.
The Cell Tech blue green algae stuff is awesome. My horse eats it at
rides and so do
I. After a 50 miler on Sat., I go home on Sun. and mow the lawn, wash the
clothes and clean house.
I don't take it daily (the algae -- or the house) - just at rides. And
it DOES work.
>Ruth Husband told me a couple years ago that Khemosabi is being fed
>Tech's Super Blue-Green Algae Animal Food. I bet he's still eating
>We eat it. Our horses eat it. We don't have vet bills for health.
>25+ year old horsess are very healthy & robust.
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