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Water evasion
Hi Nancy - what I like so much about your training of your colt is that
you went on a training ride & trained. I haven't made that distinction
quite clearly in my mind up till now, but I think that conditioning
rides might work out better for all involved if they were just for
conditioning - because if the point of conditioning is (hopefully) to
take a trained horse & improve him/her mentally & physically with the
aim of competing, then maybe sticking training lessons in a conditioning
ride is not a good idea. When I think back, I remember that I have had
MUCH more patience when I went out figuring on training, then when I
went out intending to condition & then had to change the program
mid-stream, so to speak, and train.
But then I believe that horse whispering (oh no! did I type that?) is
more about a thing that happens with the human part of the equation than
the horse. On the other hand, maybe living at this altitude has killed
off too many of my brain cells. Lif
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