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Arabs in VA
I have gotten SLAMMED with phone calls and emails from people thinking
horses are on the verge of death... THEY ARE NOT... the geldings I saw
skinny and looked that if things did not change they would be in
they were muddy and shaggy looking, but they live outside in a
pasture so
this is to be expected. This is not a rescue of horses that
are going to
have to be euthanized or will be unrideable... I am trying to
help this man
sell these horses to afford hay and feed since he is beyond his
finances at
the current time and is in need of some help.
Can you
please pass the word along that these horses are NOT that badly off?
I am
going to see them saturday and have had others drive by the farm to
look at
them in the field and other than a few being skinny, they seem
healthy and
are ok. This is not a rescue, it is to prevent them
rescue. I was hoping to stop the situation before a rescue
needed to step in and i don't believe a rescue organization
WOULD need to
step in if the man can sell a few horses to better afford the
ones he has.
I just got a call from a rescue organization yelling at me
for not having
these horses confiscated... The neighbor checked out these
horses and
assures me that they are NOT in bad shape other than a few of them
I am very upset over how this situation is getting
perverted by people
trying to make it worse than it is. Can you help me
pass the CORRECT
information along so people know the real
After speaking with the man and wife I know more about the
situation than
was previously disclosed. I am helping this man get the
word out about
horses he is selling, and people are changing the information
all around. I
will have pictures this
weekend and can show people
what they actually look like. If you can pass
the word that that there
is a breeding operation that is selling off
weanlings to 6 YO horses, as well
as a breeding stallion and some broodmares
that is really the entire
situation. I have specifics on the horses and
should have pictures
shortly. When I go to see them I promise if I think
they are in danger
or being abused or neglected i will be sure to call in
the authorities to
help assist, but I honestly do not think that will be
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