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Re: feed
I used Penfield feeds when I lived in PA.
The mix was by Dr Jeannie Waldron.
Now the new mixes are formulated by KER and Dr K Crandel and Dr Waldron
and Dr PAgan..
I have acquired samples of these feeds..likel eft overs form demo at the
various shows I attend up north.
Only ONE way to put it.. I think these formulations are about the best
feed I have seen evaluated and feed.
Read the label - pick the one you need for your horse.. call Penfield
or KER ask for Dr Kathleen.. they will not steer you wrong.. even
though some might think of them as 'in the business' yep but they do it
If I could get these feeds here in TN, I would switch today.
May want to ask Val K -- as in GOLD-- what she thinks of these feeds..
as Dr PAgan said they shipped a load over there -since the other feeds
were NOT up to her standards. Val has been on Penfields for YEARS..
The group up there in PA has a gold mine-- but cant make enough of the
stuff to ship around.. and the process mill and equipment is different,
so other mills just cant use the formulation provided by KER .
They use a super-flaked corn.. Heat rolled and steamed. IT is like a pop
corn but flat.. and the great part is the starch is pre-processed so
NONE of the corn ends up in the lower guts.. to cause problems.
--i don't sell it..
Roger R
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: feed
- From: Maggie Mieske <mmieske@netonecom.net>
- References:
- feed
- From: " Vervaet" <vervaetp@deruyter.k12.ny.us>
- Re: feed
- From: "David M. Garlinghouse, Esq." <suendavid@worldnet.att.net>
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