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Humour and water
Hi again to all,
On one of our Safaris we had to do a photo shoot.Laura and Bob our
guides(and qualified riding instructors)were with us.It was as usual as hot
as blazes and some of us were in really foul moods.
We got to the watering hole,a rather big muddy dam,the color of the water
was reddish brown from the mud(it had been raining)It was Lauras first trip
with us,and I could see she was watching me like a hawk(looking for riding
flaws)Laura was riding a Anglo Arab mare,Bob a Arab gelding and I was on
Tuckahoe(AraAppaloosa gelding).
So we head for the water the horses are extremely thirty.As soon as Tuckahoe
starts chopping at the water I pull him back out of the water.So I watched
Laura,her horse went into the water(with Laura on her back) drank a little
bit and to Laura's horror and embarrassment promptly rolled and lay down in
the water.Laura went flying head first into this muddy water ,came up
spluttering and cursing.I sat on Tuckahoe trying desperately not to laugh as
this would make matters worse.I must have been going very red in the
face,trying not to even look at poor bedraggled Laura.She was furious with
Alpha.Bob I saw was also trying not to laugh,we dared not even look at each
I had to refrain from laughing for the whole day until we finished our photo
shoot,Laura could not even get changed, at least she dried off rather
quickly in the heat.When I eventually told Rob he and I had a great laugh.
This has happened to me as well but I always laugh at myself and am always
the first one to mock myself as well.A sense of humor is always important
when dealing with animals.
Thats all from me this morning.
Hope you all have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Arikara Safaris
Rob Dobrowsky
PO Box 200
South Africa
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