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From: Tamara Keller 

I have a 8 year old arab mare and would like to try a distance ride later in the year. It is to cold and to much snow to ride atleast until late April here in N.D. What can I do now for my horse to made it easyer for her this spring. My horses are kept out side with a run in. Ihave 6 arabs and do not belive in stalls. They are feed 2 qt. horse feed and free chioce mixed hay. And all ways hace water. I do not plan on a ride until late summer , and I'am trying to read all I can about it. I guess I just want to know if there is any thing I am missing that I shoud be doing for my horse. She is from what I have read a good horse for this and I ride a lot just on the hills here at home . Everyone I ride with calls her little tank she will go any where. And is always wromer and gets all shots ect. Please let me know if I need to do more.  TK

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