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treasured trails
I am writing this in regards to our national treasure of trails and how easily
they we are viewed as a threat to the wilderness areas. Without any warning
we can be singled out as horse trail users to be banished from our beloved
parks and national forests.
I recently heard a national wildlife refuge warden say that they were
considering banning horses from the St. Marks Wildlife Refuge because...get
this... cogent weed!! Its an invasive grass that takes over the indiginous
grasses and nothing grazes on it. They think it is in the manure of the
horses on the trails(levies) and thats how it is spread all over.
this is the only safe place to ride during hunting season, which last about
six months down here in Fla. So we are extremely alarmed at being kicked off
this incredible place.
My question is who do we contact first? Congressman? Senator? Locally?
thanks for the info.
Paula and Cosmo
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