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Re: Camp food

QUOTE, from Your Health Your Choice by DR. M. Ted Morter, Jr. M.A.
"Feeling good is a wonderful way to live. When you are healthy, you not 
only feel good but you enjoy life.  You can be relaxed when your 
spending personal time with the family or friends, be energetic in work 
or play, roll with personal or job related punches more easily and 
generally find that you wake up in the morning ready to go!"
                I FIND THIS TO BE INSPIRING!

I've seen a few people requesting information on food for camping.  Let 
me tell you what I find very good not only for camping but traveling as 
well.  Herbalife makes a protein drink called Formula 1, it comes in 4 
different flavors and when it is combined with the Formula 2 & 3 you 
have a perfect meal. It is the same formula that the Astronauts use in 
space, matter of fact made by the same company.  Herbalife added a few 
herbs and it is an excellent meal.  Some use it as a meal replacement to 
lose weight by replacing two meals a day. I have even seen some use it 
to gain weight.  I use it to maintain my weight.  Also it is like a fast 
food because it tastes good and is quick to fix.  When I'm traveling I 
like it because you don't get that full bloated feeling after a meal in 
most roadside restaurants.  In the power form it travels well and can be 
mixed with any fluid or yogurt or even put on morning cereal.  The added 
benefit that it is very healthy is a side benefit that I need to offset 
all the wine, cheese and crackers I eat.  I've been selling Herbalife 
products now for 4 years and I really enjoy them.

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