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Re: RC: When is it TOO Hot... like today in Vt.

To some extent our horses are acclimated to it.  As long as you take
care then we can ride just about every day of the year.  If we followed
some heat + humidity index, we would never ride.  The bugs were the
biggest pain.  They go from zero on one day to bad two days later.  

Jeeze it was so much fun, I'm going back out tomorrow for a little ride
with some friends, maybe 10 to 15 miles.  This time the old boy is
wearing a fly mask.


"" wrote:
> Barb Peck
> Barb Peck
> Truman:  I don't know how you do it!!.
> I just got back from a FIVE mile ride along a river trail behind my house in high heat and humidity and bad bugs.. Blah...I planned
> on going 10 but turned around and came home.
> When I left it was 90% humidity and 80 degrees, no breeze but
> no sun either (stormy looking skies).
>  The bugs were worse than the heat.. or I don't know, maybe it
>  was a toss-up.
> We have bugs we call "greenies" in this weather.. big greyish
> monsters with a green head that will land on a horse and just
> hang on, which make riding in the heat doubly worse for the horse.
> My horse got a shower with the hose & I'm having an Ice-tea.
> Barb

Truman Prevatt
Mystic “The Horse from Hell” Storm 
Buck's Mystic Karma
Rocket a.k.a. Mr. Misty
Jordy a.k.a. Bridger (when he is good)
Danson Flame - hey dad I'm well now and ready to go!

Brooksville, FL

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