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Re: VT 100 & over riding

>So if someone complains to a steward that a rider is overriding >his
>horse, and>the horse was approved by the vets to go on, exactly what is
it you >would have a>steward do?  Overrule the >vets?  Pull the rider on
the trail between >checks?>Tar and >feather the rider?  What?

O.K.  This is something I've had a problem with.  There are maybe...two
riders I cannot tolerate riding with.  They are terribly obnoxious
(though they obviously don't know it).  They seem to think they have
horses who are terribly uncooperative and we all feel horribly
sympathetic towards what they have to put up with.  As they whack them or
rant or whatever, everyone else looks at each other and rolls their eyes,
or just gets the heck away.  I assure you, probably everyone in the
Southeast has at least one of them on their mind as they read this. 

 Now here's my suggestion.  I think once a year we should all vote on one
rider to publicly execute.  This will be only for totally obnoxious
behavior that there's not really a rule to cover.  If 500 people vote on
the ONE person they'd like to see beat to death with a small "whoop
rope", and 490 of them choose the same person.  I think that's a good
enough sign that it should be carried out.  I don't know what else to do.
 I've tried "shunning" but they don't notice.  They're always running
their mouths about how obnoxious their horses are.

Now.  Just to put this in perspective.  I don't think their horses suffer
as much as the average neighborhood horse whose saddle is resting on it's
withers because their rider "loves" him, but is too dumb to notice he's
in pain.  Or the people who keep riding a lame horse because they're too
dumb to notice.  But it's still darned obnoxious.


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