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Re: RC: Ride vetting wrote:

> writes:
>  And does NATRC actually require "licensed" vets?  (because apparently, AERC
>  does not) >>
> I think the problem here is that there is confusion between the terms
> "graduate" and "licensed".  Yes, NATRC and AERC require graduate
> veterinarians.  Both organizations are wise not to require licensure, as that
> would make them unable to utilize the talent of many top notch veterinarians
> who are interested in the sport but have chosen careers other than
> practice--teaching, research, regulatory medicine, etc., to name a few. ...

Heidi, you make an excellent point. I have a very close vet friend who doesn't
use drugs in his practice. He doesn't vet many rides, but when he does, people
are very eager to have him work with their horses, and he's conscientiously
careful about his proximity to a vet licensed and qualified to provide the
treatment he can't. He's a valuable asset to the endurance community, and any
rule excluding vets like him would be doing us all a disservice.

The fact remains that most riders assume that a ride vet is prepared to
administer medications in an emergency.

If my horse has problems at a vet stop, I expect to be able to have him treated
quickly. I have no objections to working with an unlicensed equine vet (in good
standing), if that individual is working in conjunction with an equine vet that
is prepared - and licensed - to treat. my horse in an emergency.

I was told that at recent rides, none of the vets on hand were prepared or
licensed to treat horses. At this point, it's hear-say. But if AERC rules don't
require rides to employ at least one licensed equine vet who is prepared to
administer emergency medical treatment, it means we all should be asking our ride
managers for specifics about vetting  - if the health of our horses is a

   Linda Cowles
   Gilroy, CA

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