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RE: hackamores

Title: RE: hackamores

It should be on the boney portion of the nose.   It can break the cartilage nearer the end of the nose if it is set too low! 

Also remember that the tighter the curb chain/strap, the sooner it engages when you pull on the reins.  When fitting any curb chain/strap, I stand on the ground and tip the arms of the curb back to see when the chain engages.  I have to decide how much play I want before I get curbing action.  It's different for every horse.


-----Original Message-----
From: Suzanne Kelly []
Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 1999 9:38 AM
To: Ridecamp
Subject: RC: hackamores

Well, all this discussion about hackamores has made me very interested
in trying one. I have an English jumping hackamore. Can anyone tell me
where it should (or shouldn't) be placed on the horse? Thanks in advance.

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