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Winner of Fossil 55 Award

Congradulations to Loraine Duff on winning the "Fossil 55 Award" at the Chalk Rock 50.  The RM made her show her ID to prove she was over 55.  Does that mean that endurance riding makes you look young?  I won't tell you her real age.  She won a navy and wine biothane halter with a engraved brass plate on the cheek.  If any of you old fossils(any rider over 55 years of age) planning to ride at the Hashknife this week end there will be another "Fossil 55 Award" given out in the 50.  If are interested in more information or photos of the award you can check the web page-
Anyone interested in biothane and come see me at Hashknife, either at my trailer or on the trail.  Looking forward to a fun week end.  Ruthie also puts on a great ride. 
Gail Hought & Shaq(Kings Flash) 1055 miles

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