Re: how much beet pulp?
You can feed beet pulp up to 45% of the total ration. I've had horses that
I've fed over 10 pounds a day, supplemented with long stem hay and fats
(they didn't tolerate grain well), and they did very well.
Susan G
-----Original Message-----
From: Beckstrom, Carolyn <Carolyn.Beckstrom@standardregister.com>
To: 'ridecamp@endurance.net' <ridecamp@endurance.net>
Date: Wednesday, May 26, 1999 10:35 AM
Subject: RC: how much beet pulp?
>How much beet pulp do you feed? do you increase the quantity before a
>my horse gets 4 qts of grain/day and is on pasture all day with a flake of
>hay at night. he does not need extra calories (is tending toward plump
>the lush spring grass) but I would like him to be able to get the benefits
>that I've read about from beet pulp. Someone said 3-5 lbs/day, is that
>correct? I am doing a 25 mile CTR in June. Thanks for the help!
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Ridecamp is a service of Endurance Net, http://www.endurance.net.
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