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Third Man Rule - Piling On
All of the fodder from across the nation concerning the Fire Mt. 50, voiced
by people who did not have all the facts, or did not really have an
interest, but enjoy stirring the pot makes me think there should be a "third
man rule" like in hockey or penalties for "piling on" like in football. For
those who are not familiar with these rules, in hockey if two guys are
already "duking" it out on the ice, and a third uninterested party joins the
fight, then he is ejected from the game. In football, it is also poor form
to pile on the football carrier when he is already down.
I certainly agree with discussion and a positive exchange of ideas, but
lately . . .
it seems there is a trend to jump in, gang up, sitr, and stomp. I think
there is an element of the group who enjoys looking for issues, taking
statements out of context and taking it to the limit. I would think that
the fear of being "piled on" may keep individuals who may have some valuable
contributions unwilling to participate for fear of getting blasted for ideas
that may not be mainstream or popular.
(But I must admit, it sometimes is very entertaining... but then so is
bullfighting--unless you're the bull).
Terry Woolley Howe
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