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Re: painting of 3 horse heads

OK, I talked gary into taking a picture of it and putting it on the web.  I hope its
the right one.
Check  it out at:
(Never done this before, hope it works.)

Gary Fend wrote:

> We found the same wonderful picture in my grandma's garage - after cleaning all
> the cobwebs off and filling in scratches in the frame, it has been hanging in our
> living room for about 20 years!  I would be afraid to take it out of the frame -
> it might all fall apart.  The frame is made of wood, with scrolling around the
> outer edge (circular) made of some kind of putty?  Anyhow, my husband looked it up
> and discovered that it was in the Sears Catalog - so that must be why there are so
> many of them out there.  Anyhow - I can't take the chance of trying to scan it -
> and it is too big anyway.  Sorry - Laura
> Garry BYRNE wrote:
> > Can some one scan this painting and give the rest of us a look at it?????
> >
> > Garry
> >
> > At 08:06 PM 1/15/99 EST, you wrote:
> > >I have an old old framed copy of the same painting that is round.  One of the
> > >one's I have is in color and the other is B/W.  The Pharoh's Horses is a
> > >famous painting....MB

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