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Firemountain 50 -2nd that!!
>Hello folks. Some friends of mine just received word that they can't do
>the FM 50 because entries are full. If, by chance, you have sent in an
>entry and know now that you can't attend, could you let me know so we
>could ask the manager to give them those spaces or allow others to
>participate. I'm not sure what is politically correct here.....tia jan
Okay, I've gotta add my $.02 (and then some) here!
I called the first week in January to request an entry to this ride. It is
a National Championship Series 50. I did not know that until the current
issue of EN.
Okay, so when I requested the entry, I specifically asked "is the ride
going to fill up, because I can mail you a check today", and was told "no,
you have plenty of time", and the RM said that if he mailed the entry I
would have no trouble mailing it back and still getting entered. At this
time I DID NOT KNOW that they had a 120 horse limit. I received the entry
(took them a week to get it to me), and sent it back the same day I got it.
On the back of the ride entry it states that all entries must be received
by January 21, 1999.
Got a call tonight. They are filled up. with at least 15 extra on top of
a few extra they accepted above their limit. I entered early enough to
receive the early entry discount....but apparently not early enough!
THIS IS A NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP (50) SERIES ride. Why are they letting so
many LD riders fill it up and turning away the 50's - this is ridiculous.
If there was going to be so much problem with the 50's being allowed to
enter this ride then the AERC should have chosen as it's Championship
Series 50 a ride that would allow the riders to enter. I don't know about
the rest of you all, but I usually enter most rides two weeks in advance.
If I had known this ride would fill up, I would have entered sooner. (why
couldn't somebody have let us know?) Or if the RM had said that I should
hurry up, you can bet I would have had the check in the mail that day!
Happy Trails,
in Gardnerville
& Rocky...who was getting new shoes and everything!
& Weaver....hahaha, I'm still on vacation! :-)
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