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Crewing & Trail Maintenance
- To: "Ridecamp" <ridecamp@endurance.net>
- Subject: Crewing & Trail Maintenance
- From: "Marlana Pitas" <lrp@tp.net>
- Date: Wed, 13 Jan 99 06:40:24 PST
- Priority: Normal
- Read-Receipt-To: "Marlana Pitas" <lrp@tp.net>
Hi I have two questions/requests for NewEngland/Massachusetts riders.
The first one is: Does anyone need a crew person for rides in the NewEngland area? I really want to compete in endurance, but also realize it would educate me more by crewing for someone first. Not to mention it would make it easier for my horse when I start competing. So anyone that does AERC, ECTRA or NEHT rides, I am willing to travel to help out for the ride weekend and in turn learn about what actually happens at rides. As long as you don't mind having an 18 yr. old ask numerous questions about P & R stations and such. I have 10 yrs. experience with horses/ponies and 8 yrs. in 4-H, including going to the Eastern National Round-up for Horsebowl and Hippology, so I'm no stranger to horses. Just endurance ! :-^)
My second question is: Does anyone in Mass have trails that they would like to see get some maintenance? After reading about all these older people going out for a day and working, I figured that 15 teens could do it too. So I have at least 15 willing teens to hike into any State/local trails/forests/parks and do work! We are in Eastern MA, and would make it easier for the parents transporting the teens if the trail was in the east, but I'm sure I could convince them to go to western MA also. 4-H does carry an insurance policy, and only three of us would be using chainsaws, safety comes first. Plus my 4-H leader is superintendent of the Forestry/Parks Dept. in our city, so we have knowledgeable guidance. Of course we would wait till Spring to do any work, too dang cold right now! But I would like to set it up now so we could schedule our other activites around it.
I hope to hear from many ridecampers on both subjects!
Marlana Pitas
South Attleboro, MA
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