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Re Trick Horse

Could not help but respond here *S*.
My horses all have to bow and tapp three times for there food.Very cute it
is as well.More than three taps and I just say No,also taught them this in
winter in between endurance seasons.
The best one is my friend Greg who lives up the road from us,also a fellow
ridecamper and endurance enthuisiast.
He taught his stallion to sit.On one of our endurance rides ,once his horse
had been vetted through he called the poor vet  and asked him as to why his
horse is sitting,the vet did flick flacks,he eventually clicked that he was
being tricked literally.
Aah,the things one does when one gets bored ,it always helps to have
intelligent horses to teach all amnner of things to.
Have a great day

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