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Importance of lessons / ideas...

Hello everyone...I'm still lurking and catching up but wanted to share a few
things.  I've "finally" saved enough $$ to take "real" lessons in the arena
after almost 8 years of riding and wow, my eyes are being opened!  I'm
learning on a Lesson horse from a gal who is a big natural horsemanship
method and centered rider believer.  I basically told her I know I'm not
balanced, am probably destroying the horse's back, and I want to start from
scratch!  Well, she gave me a little more credit than that, but I almost
wish I were a new rider.....

Well, after just one lesson I've realized many things.  One, that I also put
the breaks on the horse incorrectly: ie: my half halts and not using the
seat to stop him gives him the message this tense human being is on his back
pulling at his mouth so he better run(!).  I can now relate to the
breathing, relaxing the seat method of asking the horse to halt.
Secondly:  I  learned I do not release my grip on his side as he swings his
belly back and forth and hence I help to tense up and hurt his back.  Well,
my locked knees and ankles don't help me out either!  Really, I learned
alot, just after one basic lesson by the right person;  especially that I
have alot to learn!

Of course I immediately got the Mystery boy and practiced what I learned on
the trail and he moved out more enthusiastically on the same old trail than
he has in a longgg time, I felt more in rythym, and agreed the evidence
pointed to the fact I should have taken lessons many, many moons ago! <g>
Of course, he has to relearn my stopping cues now that I've used the old
method on him for 5 years but so be it...

btw, saw a bobcat, red coyote and lots of northern flickers..oh joy....

Point is:  take a few lessons at some point, it really is important, no
matter how many years you've been riding.  Open your mind to new ideas or
you will never advance.  And yup, lots of personalities on this list but
remember, if you don't want to hear it, you can just hit the delete key, but
be proud this is a country of free speech and don't ask to censor .....

Many times people won't share in person what they will share in writing, as
voicing it can sound even worst then writing it!  So nothing gets shared!  I
think we should encourage the sharing of experiences and ideas, even if it
seems like the writer is being harsh or judgemental.  The fustration shows
at times in writing, but these tones can be discarded and the useful ideas
be absorbed if we keep an open mind.

And hey, I miss Tom' smartass remarks......we ruined him!!!! <vbg>

In conclusion, I'm hoping these lessons will help us complete some endurance
rides come spring and move out of the LD crowd... (fun, but it is time to
move up, me thinks....)

Kimberly (& Mystery the Morab....."hey lady, I tried telling you that lots
of times!!!! stupid human!")
Pt.Reyes, CA

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