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Re: why join AERC? ~ TRAIL PRESERVATION and WSTF Ideas
WSTF has a successful program for Trail maintenance and improvement. During the past
years (July 1991 through December 1998) we have raised in excess of $46,000 [and spent
in excess of $31,00 plus set aside as a reserve for for 1999] from donations from
interested individuals, proceeds from "fun rides", proceeds from excess revenue over
expenses related to The Ride, and other fund raisers. The foregoing figure does not
include the $30,000 plus raised and restricted for the new Trail from Dusty Corners to
Last Chance on the WST, nor does it include the hundreds of thousands of dollars spent
by the Wendell and Inez Robie Foundation and Drucilla Mason Barner Foundation (neither
being part of the WSTF) since the mid 1980's. The figures do not include the
"Adopt-The-Trail program started by WSTF on December 29, 1995 with a pledge and
donation for the "Herten" Mile. Since the inception over $97,000 have been salted
away in the WSTF Endowment fund for future preservation of the Western States Trail.
Over 25% of the Trail has been adopted with pledges made for a payoff within five
years ...$1 per foot, with a goal of $500,000 in the endowment.
For more information on the "Adopt-The-Trail" program check our website at
http://www.foothill.net/tevis or visit our booth at the AERC convention in Reno in
Larry Suddjian, Vice president
As some say "...build it and they will come...". We have a wonderful Trail to
generate interest, but so does the rest of this great United States.
"Flemmer, Linda" wrote:
> Nat & Richard wrote:
> >
> >
> > Trail maintenance is all well and good, but I, for one, would prefer to see AERC
> > take a more effective role at the national level to preserve, if not expand
> > endurance trail mileage.
> > 5) Interact/negotiate/lobby with other national-level stakeholders, including
> > government agencies, other horse organizations, runners, mountain bikers,
> > environmental groups, ranchers, timber groups.
> I have to second Rich's statements. This is definitely a place for
> national leadership from AERC!!!!!!!!!!
> I recently received a mailing from a Pittsburgh bicycle club that showed
> how they were part of a national fund raising drive for the organization
> who lobbies for Rails-to-Trails projects. They were lobbying for
> donations and memberships for Rails to Trails. Even though my husband &
> I don't bike, their brochure was very effective. We donated! They
> emphasized support of multi-use trails, specifically including
> horse-back riding.
> They send out periodic updates of Rails to Trails projects, legislative
> alerts, maps & trail information, etc.
> Where was AERC? I'm a memeber of AERC and have NEVER received this sort
> of support and information from them. I would far rather see my dollars
> going towards trail preservation & construction than money going to
> national awards. The awards are nice recognition, but they will
> DISAPPEAR if there are no trails to ride on!!
> What role does AERC assume now? Does it have a long term trail plan?
> Who is it working with? (Rails to Trails? Nat'l bicycle & hiking
> groups?) Is there a way to contact AERC about local trail concerns and
> get a "national" ball rolling to assist locals? A national organization
> (AERC) should act as a clearing house for trail issues. They'll have
> "been there, done that" and can lead the locals clear of traps and
> legislative problems. AERC can keep those local groups from reinventing
> the wheel each time.
> How about it, all you online AERC board members? Is this happening
> quietly at AERC? What are the AERC plans? How are they to be
> implemented? Time lines for implementation?
> Linda Flemmer
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