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Delivery failure ("Mustang Shooters caught and Arrested"@softcom.net)
>To: buytheline@softcom.net
>Subject: Delivery failure ("Mustang Shooters caught and
>From: postmaster@softcom.net
>Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 18:41:05 -0800
>Your message has encountered delivery problems
>to local user "Mustang Shooters caught and Arrested".
>(Originally addressed to "Mustang Shooters caught and Arrested"@softcom.net)
>User not known
>Your message reads (in part):
>Received: from pavilion (unverified []) by mail.softcom.net
>On the news tonight it has been announced that the Mustang killers have
>(one)to date and two more are being sought for arrest. 21 year old
>MARINES. Are we not pround of these fine men. I am stll crying but I just
>needed to post this message for all of us who have followed this story.
>Sandy Rovane
>Mr. Man
>Rowdy Man
>Tom Tom Man We are partying in the barn for the Mustangs in heaven for
>these crimes against them. I would love to be a jurior in this trial. I
>would do it for no pay. Yes, Yes, Yes. I did send my $100. for the arrest
>At 11:18 AM 1/12/1999 -0800, ridecamp-d-request@endurance.net wrote:
>>ridecamp-d Digest Volume 99 : Issue 48
>>Today's Topics:
>> Riding W/ running martingales (long) [ Lynette Helgeson
><helgeson@lansford ]
>> Re: Fat? [ Susan Evans Garlinghouse
><suendavid ]
>> Re: More feed questions [ Susan Evans Garlinghouse
><suendavid ]
>> Re: More feed questions [ BMcCrary27@aol.com ]
>> Re: why join AERC? Trails Conference [ Nancy DuPont
><htrails@earthlink.net ]
>> Re: More feed questions [ Susan Evans Garlinghouse
><suendavid ]
>> Re: Martingales, head tossing etc. [ "S. Brown" <sbrown@wamedes.com> ]
>>Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 10:14:29 -0600
>>From: Lynette Helgeson <helgeson@lansford.ndak.net>
>>To: David Bennett <benamil@juno.com>
>>CC: ridecamp@endurance.net, ayers@plainfield.bypass.com
>>Subject: Riding W/ running martingales (long)
>>Message-ID: <369B74E5.FC7DF8CA@lansford.ndak.net>
>>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>>I have one question for the ones of you that are still not listening and
>>continuing to put running martingales on your horses every time you
>>ride. Are you listening to yourselves? Are you listening to others? (ok,
>>that was two)
>>Go back through all of the posts on this discussion and read them
>>carefully with an open mind to new ideas. Learn from them. Read the
>>posts from Sue Brown, she does an excellent job of explaining what
>>problems arise from the constant use of a running martingale. Try
>>listening instead of being defensive because you feel that someone is
>>telling you that you are doing something wrong. Just think of others
>>that you see that are doing something that is not in the best interest
>>for the horse and you try telling them to try something different and
>>they get defensive and get mad at you, and will not listen to you. That
>>is what is happening here. You guys with the running martingales like
>>the shortcut and you do not want to listen to a different and better
>>way. You are getting defensive. If you use running martingales all the
>>time when you ride a certain horse, then something is not right and you
>>need to figure out what is wrong. There is no horse in the world that
>>has to be ridden with an running martingale. I know that I could, or any
>>good trainer, re-teach your horse or find the problem that is causing
>>the head tossing. If you don't want to come to ND, may I suggest a good
>>couple of books Mary Twelveponies' book, "THERE ARE NO PROBLEM HORSES,
>>ONLY PROBLEM RIDERS" she goes into easy to understand ways about how
>>your body and hands affect the way the horse moves and also how to get
>>the horse to give to the bit, control, etc. She also has a book called
>>Starting the Colt, which is very good. She also believes in the less
>>equipment the better. You will enjoy the book, any one would. Good
>>common sense riding. Also Western Horseman has a book out called Bits
>>and Biting that explains how each of the bits work in the mouth and has
>>great diagrams. Good book. It will help you to understand bits. Plus
>>there was also many other good ideas from the list on teeth, chiro work,
>>and a horse can also toss their head because their saddle don't fit. And
>>the lady who posted about her horse tossing his head in the pasture,
>>sometimes they will do that if there is flys buzzing around. I would
>>also would look at chiro. work, because I have a hard time believing
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