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Re: More feed questions


>Try the old tried and true standby, corn, oats and barley.  45% whole
>oats (preferably recleaned, but not crimped or rolled), 30% barley
>(crimped or rolled) and 25% corn (also cracked or rolled).  It's not
>rocket science, don't kill yourself getting  the proportions exactly
>right.  If your horses need more energy, add some fresh vegetable oil at
>each feeding.  Lots of good hay.  No alfalfa meal, no bran, certainly no
>rice bran.  If you like, you can add a small amount of ONE complete
>vitamin-mineral mix, but it's probably not necessary.  I personally also
>recommend adding 20 mg of biotin daily, plus some vitamin E and a pinch
>of a good probios.
>The mixture of grains complement each other very nicely and along with
>good hay, provide all the nutrients your horses need, for alot less
>Good luck!
>Susan G
Why do you recommend NOT crimped oats? I thought they were more digestible
than whole oats.
RE corn--I read in Equus about danger of toxins or molds in corn. Can one be
sure it is safe?

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