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Re: LF: Re: Riding W/ running martingales (long) (fwd)
In a message dated 1/12/99 2:09:24 PM Pacific Standard Time,
grs@theneteffect.com writes:
<< Nice shot of Jedi's running martingale on the cover of this month's
Endurance News. By the way, he was ridden for 7 or 8 years by Nina
Warren. She cleaned up in the Dressage ring at the Arabian Nationals
this year ( I think a reserve champion 2nd level and champion 1st level
or something like that). Valarie's not too shabby either. When are they
going to break down and *train* that horse? >>
The sad part here is not that Nina and Valerie use them, but that hundreds of
newbies copy their tack without the slightest thought to how it works or why
it is on there. Most don't have Val's or Nina's riding skills, either. How
many horses are "forced" into submission because their bit jabs, their teeth
need done, their backs hurt, etc.? More than you might think! On the other
hand, Val and Nina are both good riders and good horsemen, and are not likely
to overlook such problems.
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