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Re: More feed questions

Susan Evans Garlinghouse <> wrote:
> The digestibility of oats isn't improved by processing, but the rate
> oxidation (speed at which it goes rancid and nutrients are lost) does
> increase, therefore oats are best fed whole to preserve the grain as
> intact package.  

Just my observation. When I feed whole oats, I can see them come out
in the manure - and so can the birds that tear apart the manure to eat
them. This is not observable by me or the birds when using rolled oats.
My feed supplier told me the rolled oats had a shelf life of 6 months.
I'm not sure where he got that information or whether it is accurate.
A good portion of that time was in cold weather which presumably would
help preserve.

Is there a nutritional reason to switch from straight oats to COB?


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