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Running Martingales The Cure is Chiropractic!
OK, I have to say one more thing about martingales. Remember the backup
horse I have that has a head tossing problem, I put a standing martingale
on him? Well the day I layed him up I had a chiro come out and adjust him.
She said his rear end and hips were his problems. He also went down on
palpitation on his spine in front of his hips. I always thought that it
was a pain reaction. First thing I did when I bought him was get him
floated. It had never been done to him, but it didn't help. So I finally
after months and months of searching found a chiro, had him adjusted and
then gave him 2 months off for a ankle problem. Anyway today I road him
for the first time in approx 2 months and I was thinking man I bet he'll be
bad about his head again, so I put the martingale on and guess what? He
never even thought of throwing his head. Then I remembered the adjustment
he had and the fact that I hadn't ridden him since then. It worked! So
gang think of other pain sources besides teeth with a head tosser. And
give your horse the best of chiro care.
Meaning if you do find a chiro and they pull mallets out of their bag, send
them packing. I've heard and my equine chiropractor has told me stories
about fractured vertabraes from chiro's adjusting with mallets. Really
think about it, would you like your human chiro to crack a mallet over your
vertabrae? So advoid those types of chiro's at all costs! The woman I was
fortunate to find is flown all over the USA to reining futurities, so
popular that it took months to get on her list. The difference I noticed
about the way she adjusted and the mallet adjuster I watched once is that
she adjusts very similiar to my own human chiropractor. The mallet
adjuster did nothing similiar to a human chiro. Good luck and give it a
try, it may help!
Cheryl Newbanks
~~~ ~~ ^ ^ SW Region
~~~\ _~~/ /\ / Buckeye, AZ
( ) _ _ ) ' ' horsetrails@inficad.com
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