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Re: Martingales/conformation

I use one to preserve my face.  My horse has a ewe neck and I have a 
long back - not an auspicious combination.  The only reservation I
had about him before I bought him was that neck.  (He needed lots of
work to round and relax, but that I could work on.)  He
can suck back and throw his head into your face so fast it isn't 
funny.  We have come a long, long way.  He had MAJOR work on his teeth
(as in couldn't chew for almost 4 weeks - thank God for Equine
Senior!)  He has quite a lovely neck, especially after his dental
work, but he will always be able to get his head that high that fast.
Frankly, my reflexes are no match for his.  I don't use it in the ring
anymore.  When I put it on for the trails, I haven't actually had to
use it in a long time.  However, I still think I need it to be there
just in case. 

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