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Fwd: drowning
In a message dated 1/10/99 11:47:46 PM EST, JANUSTUDIO@compuserve.com writes:
<< >And don't even think about taking your horse into water with a tie down on
-- that's a drowning waiting to happen.<
Saw a near disaster like that once with a tie down. If it hadn't been for
a friend with a cool horse and a nervy(sp) rider, that horse would have
drowned. >>
There was a horse that drowned locally several years ago. The guy had a tie
down on his horse, not a running martingale. My opinion on this is: A running
martingale would be less of a danger, but I'd still take it off before
swimming with a horse (that is if I used one inthe first place)
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>And don't even think about taking your horse into water with a tie down on
-- that's a drowning waiting to happen.<
Saw a near disaster like that once with a tie down. If it hadn't been for
a friend with a cool horse and a nervy(sp) rider, that horse would have
Took my running martingale right off.
Also had a friends horse to flip his chin back to his chest chasing flys
and caught his lower jaw in the neck strap. That was interesting.
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