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Re: footwear and squished parts

In a message dated 1/10/99 11:34:26 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

<< Y'know, I thought I would mention one of the pitfalls about wearing
 regular tennies versus shoes that protect the ankle, based on what
 happened to me about two weeks ago. >>

Susan, I wasn't even thinking about the Achilles tendon when I mentioned
safety, I was thinking about needing a higher heel than tennis shoes offer to
prevent the foot from going through a stirrup.  What a wretched accident for
you.  But back to shoes, I'm absolutely SOLD on the Ariat Performers.  They
are SO comfortable, so supportive, have a nice heel, and a double thickness of
leather down the back of the foot (which would protect the Achilles tendon.
The soles have a good tread, too.  Well, I'm sorry to hear of your accident
and wish you speedy recovery.


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