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Found it interesting to read the martingale debate that got going while I
was out of town.
People seem awfully quick to claim those who use them are "using a
crutch" and of course the brilliant tallented riders don't need them.
My experience is that the smaller, shorter necked Arabs need them simply
because of the angle from the rider's hands (even if they're touching the
withers) down to the bit. When I ride my larger Arab his neck arches out
in front of me, and his if I pull straight back I'm pulling his mouth
towards his chest. He does not need a martingale.
However, Kaboot's neck is mounted fairly low. He carries his head low.
If I pull back on the bit, it pulls his head up not back. It pulls
against the corners of his mouth, not against the bars. He does not
sling his head or fight the bit, but I do not like the angle of the pull.
By using a running martingale, I can effectively lower the angle so that
it pulls his chin towards his chest, like would happen on a longer necked
Lots of endurance riders use running martingales. Lots of endurance
riders ride Arabs. I used to ride Apps, and QH's and never used them.
Now I seldom don't. Guess I'm just a lousy rider.
By the way, most of the lousy riders around here have long shanks, their
horse's heads are in their laps and their backs are as hollow as all get
Angie & Kaboot (9 yrs. old and still wearing training wheels)
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