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Re: Running Martingales
In a message dated 1/9/99 10:04:45 PM Mountain Standard Time, DVeritas@aol.com
<< In dressage the snaffle is lauded for young and inexperienced horses...but
it seems to me the horse will eventually reach the point of SEVERELY
cavessons, and double bridles. Why? >>
IMHO, the more difficult requirements require incredible strength & balance in
the horse & incredible balance & timing in the rider. Since most riders never
develop balance & timing, & the horses don't reach the level of strength &
balance required for the higher levels that the rider wants to ride, one way
to look the part is to crank the horses into the prescribed frame & virtually
force the movements.
I wish our system was the opposite - higher training meant less hardware.
This does require a commitment, maybe a lifetime one, to learning exquisite
timing & feel for the horse.
I love the gymnastic development learned from dressage, but I do think there
is room for improvement when it comes to defining collection & how you acheive
it. I also believe that you can acheive collection with timing & feel & lots
of time (this is where many do not wish to make the commitment) in a snaffle
or less.
Lori, Sky & Packy
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