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Re: best bareback pad
>Somebody mentioned swimming horses, and I started thinking about
>summer.... warm sun, long days.... <sigh!>
>My horses love swimming, they paddle around like ducks, and are always
>on the lookout for good swimming holes!
>This year I want to invest in a good bareback pad so that I don't need
>to saddle and unsaddle all the time when the critters and I are going
>out with the intention of swimming...
>I've seen some great suede bareback pads that have big "D" rings for
>putting a regular western girth on... does anyone know where I can get
>Linda Cowles
>Gilroy and Morgan Hill, CA
Water isn't that good for suede! If I know the horse and I are going
swimming I use my synthetic saddle -- it's cordura nylon and neoprene and
you clean it by hosing it off anyway. That way I can go and do a full
trail ride and just bip into the swimming hole on my way across the river
on the way back to the trailer.
Lynn Kinsky (Santa Ynez, CA)
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