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99F350 trucks

In a message dated 4/30/99 5:14:52 PM !!!First Boot!!!, writes:

<<  Just my .02, but as a short-legged, not-so-fit, tubby but not-quite-50 
 > (close, though) woman, I just traded my automatic (gas 460, not a 
 > powerstroke) for a manual diesel, and I will not EVER go back to an 
 > unless someone saws one of my legs off!  I wouldn't trade the control I 
 > in a manual for all the tea in China, inconvenience or not! 
 Amen to that!! I have a gas 460 engine in my F350, but the transmission
 is manuel. I am pushing 50, have bad knees, bad back, etc. but will not
 buy an automatic -- been in the mountains with a friend when her brakes
 went out on her automatic Chevy. At least if I loose brakes in my
 manuel, I still have gears to slow me down! 

Maybe this has changed but when we bought our last truck we were told not to 
buy a manual.  We were told that an automatic was much easier on the engine, 
seeing that it could change gears when it needed to?!  I believe I also read 
this in Trail Blazer a while back?!  Any comments on that one?

Johnna (in snowy Arizona)

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