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Spanish Mustangs

Hi yall.  Just wanted to share with you, since we are talking about arab crosses.  I have been watching from afar, and now close, the Spanish Mustang breed.  They are WONDERFUL!  I just got a 14 y.o little dun mare with feet of iron (still have to get her shod), a heart of gold, and personality to match.  These horses are incredible!  There is a great website of the people from whom I got Sierra.  Please check them out at :   Barry has a great rapport with his horses.  All horses are imprinted at birth. He doesn't "break" them until they are 4.  They are ranch raised and are the true definition of being a horse.  I love and have much respect for my little mare and I have only had her for 2 1/2 weeks.  Be prepared though, these horses are tough but they only stand between 13.3 and 14.3 h, for those of you who feel that bigger is better.
My .02,
susie griffin barnes
& Sierra (ms. spanish mustang) & James (arrogant arab)

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