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Re: RC: "Weighty issue"

We pick our horses. That is a fact . A 1000 lb horse can carry me easier than 
500 lb horse but just think how easy it would carry a 105 lb rider. A 105 ld 
rider can ride a small horse which will burn less energy while a 200 lb ride 
can not ride a small horse. The more the horse and rider weight the energy it 
takes to move the mass 50 miles.

I have never asked for a heavy weight division, we done not have weight 
divisions here in Saskatchewan but I do not think that it is unreasonable for 
weight to be considered in the formula to calculate best conditioned. A ride  
determines which is the better horse on a given day and 500 lb horse may do a 
good job but it has to compete on equal footings with a big horse. In other 
words it does not matter what the horse weighs it is the burden he 
carries,that is the measureable. I agree that weight is not the end of the 
equation as some 200lb riders are balanced and some are not. I ride with a 
fused ankle and therefore I am very one sided. My poor horse has to  carry my 
200 lbs and I can not change leads. Should I ride in a handicapped division? 
NO WAY. Does it cause more work for the horse. YES . But it is not measurable 
and therefore it's my tough luck. We could all think of a reason why we 
should have a handicapp but most of the factors are not measureable and would 
just muddy the waters. 

If I find that I can not compete and I am not happy completing then I will 
have to breed for a bigger better endurance animal or lose weight. 

I admire the small horses that do endurance as they need to take that many 
more strides but they still are moving less mass and therefore expending less 


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