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Re: What kind of stallion?
-----Original Message-----
From: Kristen L Olko <krisolko@juno.com>
To: ridecamp@endurance.net <ridecamp@endurance.net>
Date: Sunday, April 18, 1999 6:53 PM
Subject: RC: What kind of stallion?
>Which kind of stallion would you breed to your mare?
>1) A stallion with a nothing pedigree, but an impressive endurance record
>2) A stallion with no endurance record at all, but an impressive
>endurance pedigree
>Both stallions have good conformation themselves.
My vote would probably be for the second horse, assuming he doesn't have an
endurance record himself not through his own fault but because he just
wasn't given the opportunity, or something like that. I don't breed based
only on a pedigree, but I do remember a grad research project we had to do
for an animal genetics class---we had to compare two bulls, one of which was
pretty spectacular, far better himself than his pedigree would indicate,
versus a bull that was only so-so himself, but came from rock solid
breeding. We compared the offspring performance of the two animals and the
so-so bull from solid stock was by far the better sire. This was only one
example, but we were taught that choosing a high-performing *family* is
almost always going to produce better results than choosing to breed to one
spectacular individual that is (for wont of a kinder term) something of a
freak compared to the rest of his family. Statistically, the "freak"
*might* reproduce something as good as himself, but is much more like to
throw something that is closer to the average for the entire family---in
other words, nothing special.
Good luck either way, Kris! :-)
Susan G
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