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Fwd: RC: Arab or TWH


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In a message dated 4/13/99 9:15:42 AM Eastern Daylight Time, Bluebirdpr 

  Before you guys all flame me , I do like Arabs or I would not have an Arab 
  stallion. But like any breed they have some great qualities and some 
  Try a gaited horse you may like them , I have tried an Arab, I bought him. 
  Sandhaven Saddlebreds
 I too have Arabs, Morabs, and my beloved gaited horses (TWH and Rocky 
Mtns.).  I choose to ride the gaited boys because I didn't start riding until 
I was 40 and the gaited horse fit my rump a little better than the trot 
horses.  My wife chooses the Arabs and Morabs because she learned how to ride 
on a trot horse.  We train and condition together and my gaited horses will 
do anything her trot horses will.  When it comes to race time she does have 
the advantage but my ride is a lot more enjoyable to me.  We recently had a 
ride where we live, (in the NC Mountains) and the first across the 25 was a 
TWH and the girl took a 2 mile wrong turn at that. My gaited boys seem to 
handle the mountains better than the Arabs as far as climbing and going down 
hills.  Their rear ends hold up better.  
    Although I am by nature very competitive, and when I get on my horse 
nature takes over, I very quickly realized that I was not going to be a 
Valerie Kanavy and that my TWH was not a Cash.  We then started enjoying our 
rides and still finished the rides respectively.  Like the AERC slogan, "To 
finish is to win."  I feel that the majority of endurance riders love their 
horses no matter what breed it is and from what I've seen at rides there are 
a lot of different breeds in this sport and having FUN!!
 Take Care,
 Phil >>

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