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Re: Arab or TWH?
Jude Hall Hall@denison.edu
I haven't been on the list for some time, because I just wasn't
able to handle the volume of mail, but I occasionaly browse through
the archives. I was amused to read the many posts in response to
a lady's question about buying a TWH or sticking with her arab.
Some things haven't changed on Ridecamp! <g> The debate seems
rather silly, as the question posed by the person was not
"which horse is better suited for endurance?" but rather what
should she do as she was having back problems & seeing a chiro-
practor, but enjoying riding her husbands TWH.
My answer to her would be - if you have pain riding your arab,
and none riding the TWH, go with the gaited horse. I don't know
how high her endurance aspirations are, but if the ride isn't
enjoyable than what's the point? She may not top ten on the
gaited horse, but a gaited horse can certainly do the distance
when properly conditioned. Come to think of it, there are a
lot of arabs who don't top ten either.....
Jude Hall
& Kentucky Redbud
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