Re: RC: Joint supplemets
Yes please, Barb, post the Phone number for Nutramax. Is that why I
have onlly found the two lmixed for humans in "Pain Free" so far?
guest@endurance.net wrote:
> Barb Peck bpeck@together.net
> From: Barb Peck bpeck@together.net
> Nutramax has a patent on mixing Glucosimine HCL and Chondroitin
> Sulfate (and a small amout of magnesium) together in a capsule.
> To comply with the patent, other companies have to
> sell the two ingredients spearately. You can buy them
> separaetly and mix them your self, and save some $$$.
> I buy the two ingredients separately in 8 oz. jars from
> Uckele Animal Nutrition, Blissfield, Mo.. And mix them
> together before feeding. It's not alfalfa based. Both
> look like confectionary (powdered) sugar and both tastes
> sweet. No animal or human I know has made a yucky face after
> tasting the stuff.
> There are 3 humans, 2 cats & 1 dog taking this brand, and it
> has worked on everybody.
> If anybody's interested in their phone # (in case they don't have a web site.. I'm not sure)
> Let me know & I'll post it when I locate the catalogue.
> Barb
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