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Re: RC: Questions on saddle ID
It definately seems to be higher {the pommel}, when viewed sitting on its
stand. I may put it on a horse tomorrow just for a test spin out of
curiousity. It IS very heavy! lots of metal, and not light metal, either.
It also seems to have the original stirrups, and I'd bet on the leathers,
too - they match in design, color, and wear.
I have pictures if that would help, just let me know. I may sell it - if I
don't sell it for a reasonable price compared to a good new or used saddle
then I may keep it...for use - this thing looks indestructible...gets harder
to part with the more I look at it, but again, since I've already got more
saddles than horses it may be be best to find it a good home.
At 08:46 PM 4/3/99 -0700, you wrote:
>Paul asks out of curiosity: How high is the pommel? (Low as say a
>regular english, or higher?)
I like horses....it's their people I can't stand....
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