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Re: RC: Starved horses
>Date: Mon, 29 Mar 1999 10:14:39 -0600
>At 06:52 AM 3/29/99 -0800, Lauren wrote:
>>Sarah Ralston wrote:
>>> Haven't heard of ti doing any rides recently)
>>That is EXACTLY the type of comment that does not belong on RideCamp. It
>>is mean spirited and not nice. You do not have to be a great basketball
>>player to be a great coach. You do not have to be a great rider to be a
>>great riding teacher and I could go on and on with examples.
>>It is O.K. to disagree and have constructive arguments but the last
>>thing RC needs or wants is another person jabbing at Tom or another
>>person, for that matter. I have been a subscriber for almost 2 1/2 years
>>and this is the first time that I have felt the need to comment about a
>>situation like this.
>>In my opinion Sarah, you owe Tom an apology.
Excuse me, Lauren, but Tom Ivers has repeatedly and even more nastily
impuned both Susan's and my name, training and credentials (not top mention
Heidi, Joe Long and a list to long to go over). He has repeatedly implied
that we are "ivory tower" researchers that had no practical experience. I
was merely pointing out that we did have practical experience ("sandy
loam") in endurance whereas Tom's expertise (and I do NOT question this) is
in racehorses, and no, you don't have to be a jockey to be a great
racehorse trainer. But you do need to observe the horses you are training
and understand the stresses they are undergoing. I do not feel I owe him an
apology. I have been trying to stay out of the fray but his
recommendations, taken at face value, are really potentially dangerous to
endurance horses!! I have received private E-mails from several other
respected researchers/endurance riders complimenting me for being brave
enough to speak up! Tom, your nasty, sarcastic, name-calling responses to
anyone that does not agree with you have stifled a lot of good discussions.
Sarah L. Ralston, VMD, PhD, dACVN
Associate Professor
Department of Animal Science
Cook College, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
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