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[Fwd: 03-29-99 VIRUS WARNING!!!!]

A very reliable friend sent this warning to me and I thought I would
share it in light of the rash of viruses that seems to run rampant on
ridecamp (kind of like dogs, huh?).  Hope you don't mind!

---- Begin included message ----
This morning on NATIONAL PUBLIC RADIO and ABC NEWS there was a report of a virus that just came out on friday.
It's called MELISSA.  They reported it comes and the subject line reads, "IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM..."
It'll attach it's self to the first 50 addresses in your address book and has the capibility to send files from your
system to others!
If you would send this message out to everyone in your address book, we might be able to STOP this before too
many more systems are damaged.  It's reported to have gone across the US and is in the UK.
Be on the look out for this! 
Kathy Londo Barnes
---- End included message ----

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