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Fwd: RC: Fwd: RC: Dogs at Rides

In a message dated 3/23/99 7:16:45 PM Pacific Standard Time, CMKSAGEHIL

<<  I would no more turn my dog loose at a horse event than I would turn my
horse loose at a dog show!
This pretty well say how we feel and since I have my hands full (this is
SUPPOSED ot be fun too!) with horses and occasional kids, I surely don't wnat
to have to keep tabs on my well behaved but CANINE Collies. As such, they DO
stay at home. I think most people DO mind thei dogs well, and it is a terrible
shame when just a handful or real dumb clucks ruin it for the well behaved

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I also breed dogs as well as horses.  On occasion, I HAVE to take a dog to a
ride, but they are NEVER loose, and spend all their time IN my rig unless
going out on a leash to go potty.  I would no more turn my dog loose at a
horse event than I would turn my horse loose at a dog show!

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