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Re: Re: Normal and elderly & Trails
This is an argument that can be made more logically by the ATV crowd. Of all
the disabled folks out there, only a very small percentage ride horses. Even
many of those that rode horses at one time, no longer do (Chris Reeves comes
to mind). Most of those in disabled riding programs require sidewalkers.
There are damn few trails that I ride on that would be suitable for that
purpose. But if ADA access to trails is required, there will be a massive
redistribution of trail dollars from most of the existing trails to a
limited number of trails so that they can be made wheel chair accessable.
And then, the mix of wheel chairs and horses will be considered dangerous
and horses will be banned from those trails (not to mention the first time
somebody in a wheelchair runs it through some horse manure). The disabled
will still have access, but not on a horse. And they sure as hell won't
allow endurance rides.
Duncan Fletcher
-----Original Message-----
From: LSimoni197@aol.com <LSimoni197@aol.com>
To: dfletche@gte.net <dfletche@gte.net>; karlar@flash.net
<karlar@flash.net>; donridecamp@sandon.com <donridecamp@sandon.com>
Cc: ridecamp@endurance.net <ridecamp@endurance.net>; Marinera@aol.com
Date: Wednesday, March 17, 1999 8:00 AM
Subject: RC: Re: Normal and elderly & Trails
>I believe that we can get further with the logic; Only the extremely fit
>youth can use the trails. On horse back the elderly and or unfit (how
>normal) can still have access to our Nations Trail system. This means
>mainstream USA. Everyone, not just the elitist. We could use Bob and
>Suhr as our poster kids.
>Ridecamp is a service of Endurance Net, http://www.endurance.net.
>Information, Policy, Disclaimer: http://www.endurance.net/RideCamp
Ridecamp is a service of Endurance Net, http://www.endurance.net.
Information, Policy, Disclaimer: http://www.endurance.net/RideCamp
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